Thank you for stepping up for the time when:
- a male colleague repeatedly sexually harassed me, and the supervisor I reported it to said, "That's too bad." and did nothing to help me
- I was hired to replace a fired White man but offered less than he made even though I had been doing the job for almost a year, had been with the organization longer, and had more education than he
My objection to something was downplayed because "boys will be boys," "men," or "locker room talk."
- in an academic/professional environment, male colleagues praised my appearance rather than my work, for which they tried to take credit
- teachers steered me toward social sciences rather than S.T.E.M.
- a date commented he wished he could f*ck and impregnate me to shut me up about feminism, life goals, and saving my virginity
- my intellectual contribution was unacknowledged
- I was expected to choose between race and gender
- I worked harder & longer for less money, lower rank, and minimal appreciation
- people spoke over or for me without my consent
- I was mistaken for the help rather than the leader
- male doctors dismissed my assertions
- people roll their eyes because I insist that my guys practice equality and equity
- others forced their religious and ethical views on me but not their time, talent, or treasure
- I was underestimated by those who only knew my gender and race, not my qualifications
- forces tried to erode my reproductive rights but insisted that I pay for Viagra and prostate procedures
- someone said it was my fault that my outfit/looks/figure brought unwanted attention
- my passion was labeled as emotional
- rapes went unreported because the aftermath was just as harrowing as the rape
- people judged my sisters for being single, childless, work-at-home mothers, or work-away-from-home mothers = making personal choices without public consultations
- my L.G.B.T.Q. friends were denied fundamental human rights
* Please feel free to add more in the comments