Jr. Teen's heart is set on attending Morehouse College as two of his brothers did. Fine with me. I'm not invested in his choice. It's no reflection on us or our parenting. The golden rule is that he does not waste our money. By that, I mean pick a college that is rigorous enough for his capacity. Work hard and take full advantage of the place. Good parenting dictates that we encourage him to visit and apply to other schools. We will. However, the final decision is his. When the time comes, I pray he has an arm full of acceptance letters, and his biggest problem is which to choose.
Our son's college experience will be about him, not us. Well-meaning butinskies often comment, "He's smart. Shouldn't he attend an Ivy?" Insinuating that an H.B.C.U. (Historically Black College / University) isn't good enough for a high-achieving kid. I usually respond, "If he wants. I won't be on campus, so I don't decide."
For the record, H.B.C.U.s and H.B.P.C.U.s are not second-choice schools. In the U.S.A., we are blessed with different types of schools for various students. I didn't attend an H.B.C.U., but our four older sons did. Three temporarily escaped the drama portrayed on the Netflix series "Dear White People ." Three because one began at a Predominantly White Institution (PWI) and transferred to an H.B.C.U. when he tired of racism interfering with studying. Therein lies a benefit of H.B.C.U.s. They delay the inevitable until you hold at least one degree and have survived childhood. Of course, at PWIs, students cut their teeth on isms waiting to welcome them into greater society. Either track has its merits. We could make a king Otis and cons lust for each. The key is to expose students so that they recognize a good fit, large or small, specialized, or liberal arts, P.W.I.I. or H.B.C.U. There's something for everyone.