I'm trying hard to be kind while bearing witness. That means expressing fewer rants. But if I did rant today, it would concern:
- Not using translators when speaking with other national leaders
- Reducing people to labels. That's LAZY! Take time to hear and see.
- Professing how busy one is, especially if one is supposedly too busy to engage with others.
Everyone is busy. Be polite.
- People who behave and vote as if things don't count unless things touch them
- Sanctimonious, graceless posts regarding how others should sacrifice, protest, and worship
- Mansplaining & Whitesplaining. All 'splaining can give way to listening.
- Silence regarding the Flint, MI water supply
- Heterosexual women against birth control
- Dismissing others' realities and responses to them because they aren't yours. Don't tell others how to react to their pain.
- Drivers not using turn signals
- Advertising that couples now need two large diamonds in a ring to prove their love
- Demanding that others be like you for you to validate them
- Scales
Using President Bush, President Reagan, Obama, and Former President Obama, the ism is showing through the lack of consistency.
- Neighbors use community social media accounts to post unrelated business and photos/videos of every Black person they don't know who breathes in our area.
- Ignoring hate
- Pledging allegiance to a thought or issue one has neither researched nor worked on
- Unwillingness to learn
- All forms of ugliness displayed in the U.S.A. in the name of politics